For me, computer gaming didn't become a big thing until about 2 or so years ago. Previously, all the games I wanted came in console format, so I was fairly happy. Then I found the Internet. It was smooth sailing from there.
I started poking around with online mini-games, until I handled the more robust stuff. At the start, all I looked at was just free games around the Internet (I'm cheap like that), but soon I became interested in games that could be played on the computer, just like my consoles. I was really interested in the RPG's, but had trouble finding recent ones that our computer could run (it was a piece of junk, really). After about half a year, I stumbled upon World of Warcraft.
I was intrigued, it was a fantasy game, with RPG elements- and you were playing with other people! I checked out the specs and was amazed that our computer could run it. The $15 (about $30 where I live) a month price tag (along with the initial in the box cost) put me off a bit, but I was determined to pay- some hard work around the house was able to handle that, and my brother wanted to play, so we split the cost (15$ each). After waiting for a couple of weeks, it came in, and since then, it has been computer gaming for me! We have a much better computer now, and my main character is, of course, a mage. We'll be looking at him next.
Image from-http://www.sc2blog.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/07/2wow-logo2800-med.jpg
Yeah, WoW is sweet, was a bit similar for me as well. Although I was always interested in the stradegy games and stumbled across WC3 then... after alot of people stopped playing Frozen Throne I figured I'd look at WoW and was pretty impressed.
Insterested to see your mage.
Do you play Horde or Allience? Mages are pretty cool, I've always enjoyed having a walked vending machine in the group :P. I play a Hunter and a druid, Horde side.
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